Mrs. Jennifer Wysocki ~ Art

About Mrs. Jennifer Wysocki ~ Pre-K through 8th Grade ART

I’m Jennifer Wysocki.  I graduated from Olivet Nazarene University with a degree in Speech communications with an emphasis in broadcasting.  While in high school and college, I took as many art classes that I could fit into my schedule.  I have always loved doing crafts and making art.  Fast forward many years, I started working for Young Rembrandts after school drawing class at my daughter’s school.  Shortly after, I found out about SSCM’s need for an art teacher through Young Rembrandts. This is my 2nd year here. I teach Pre-K through 8.  I am married and have 2 children ages 4 and 8.  We live in Joliet. In addition to art, I love music.  I also currently sing in the Joliet Junior College’s Community Chorale.

To contact Mrs. Jennifer Wysocki email: or you may call 630-257-6488 x35

Voice mails will be returned at the end of the school day. If it is an urgent matter contact the school office.