Internet Safety is a serious concern at SS. Cyril & Methodius. SSCM employs the use of technology to enhance the blended learning experience of the student. To this end, SSCM issues each student a school account for their use throughout their elementary school career. Teachers use various websites and cloud based technology to broaden the students access to information. The school account allows communication between the students and teachers, allows teachers to set up virtual classrooms, and allows teachers to give out assignments that the student can work on utilizing the available computer equipment.
In the pursuit of the blended learning experience, SSCM has put in place state of the art technologies to protect the students. This includes web filtering devices, account monitoring software, activity tracking software and other technologies.
SSCM follows State, Federal and Archdiocese of Chicago guidelines as specified under the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
SS.Cyril & Methodius employs the following methods to enforce each of these requirements:
- SSCM uses an in house Firewall to block sexual content, gambling, games, as well as many sites specifically identified by teachers and staff. Our email system is filtered by Google services to help filter out inappropriate content & junk email.
- SSCM utilizes Google Classroom and other Google apps to manage the student’s activities throughout the day whenever technology is used.
- SSCM uses a domain account activity monitor, Go Guardian, to monitor SSCM student account activity.
- The Information Technology Coordinator reviews the student and staff Internet access logs on a regular basis to find attempts to circumvent blocked content. These logs are also backed up for the purpose of holding an archived record for investigations for disciplinary reasons or illegal activity.
- SSCM has a Network/Internet Agreement form addressing inappropriate acts which must be signed by all students and parents. When students violate these guidelines, these infractions are addressed by the SSCM principal, in cooperation with information provided by the Information Systems staff. These offenses follow the same disciplinary policy as other discipline at SS. Cyril & Methodius. For more information about the SSCM Network/Internet Agreement form, see the link provided below.
SSCM Acceptable Use Policy: Acceptable Use Policy ver 7