Progress Report/Report Card Schedule

Parents are informed of student progress on a trimester basis. The report card evaluation is based on direct observation, oral and written examinations, schoolwork, homework, and effort. In addition to the report cards, progress reports will be issued three times a year.
SS. Cyril and Methodius School also uses Power School. This is a secure, web-based site, which provides constant communication between parents and teachers regarding the academic and behavioral progress of students. Parents need to register through SS. Cyril and Methodius School to begin accessing this information. Teachers may periodically contact parents regarding the progress of their child in relation to his/her ability, effort, and character development.

Dates for the 2024/25 School Year:

Trimester 1:  August 13th – November 8th

  • Progress Reports:
    Grading ends September 26th.  Progress Reports go home on October 3rd.
  • Report Cards:
    Grading ends November 8th.  Report Cards go home on November 20th.

Trimester 2:  November 11th – February 21st

  • Progress Reports:
    Grading ends January 10th.  Progress Reports go home on January 15th.
  • Report Cards:
    Grading ends February 21st.  Report Cards go home on February 27th.

Trimester 3:  February 24th – May 30th

  • Progress Reports:
    Grading ends on April 4th. Progress Reports go home on April 10th.
  • Report Cards:
    Grading ends May 23rd.  Report Cards go home on the final day of school.