Letter from Mrs. Tkachuk, Principal

“Learning Together Through Faith, Kindness and Service”

Dear Visitor,

Thank you for your interest in SS. Cyril and Methodius School, and on behalf of our entire school community, welcome to our website! Choosing a school for your child(ren) is an extremely important decision.  Hopefully this visit to our website will help provide a look at all we have to offer!

Let me begin by telling you just a little about SS. Cyril and Methodius School…

  • First and most importantly, we are a Catholic School.  Our students pray together, receive daily religious instruction through certified catechists, and have the opportunity to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation.  As a family of faith we attend mass each week and also participate in a variety of prayer services.
  • Our students are taught and recognized for showing kindness and also providing service to others.
  • We have a dedicated and qualified teaching staff which constantly strives to improve and help each student in a unique fashion.  Our teachers are also expected to be lifelong learners and continue to expand upon their skills through a variety of professional development activities.
  • Teacher assistants are also on staff.
  • We are an integral part of SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish.  Under the guidance of our Pastor, Reverend Waldemar “Valdi” Stawiarski and with the involvement of the parishioners, we receive a great deal of support and help in a variety of ways. We are able to accomplish great things because of them!
  • Our curriculum is academically challenging and dedicated to helping all students reach their full potential.  We include physical education, technology, art, Spanish and music throughout each week.  A full range of after-school activities are also offered.
  • Our students leave very well prepared and do well in the high school of their choice.
  • Parents and other family members are offered a wide variety of opportunities to be involved within our school.

We work together to model our Mission Statement that says:
SS. Cyril and Methodius is a vital Catholic School Community that exists to build the Kingdom of God.  We do so by providing an excellent Catholic Education in a compassionate environment that strives to develop each student spiritually, academically, physically, and emotionally.  We do this in conjunction with our parents, the primary educators of our children.

Mrs. Shirley A. Tkachuk

P.S.  Please contact our office to arrange a personal tour of our school and see all we have to offer!