Homework online can now be accessed directly from the Home page, school.stcyril.org.
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Homework for the week of November 5th
Homework pack-it that was passed out today needs to be handed in on Thursday.
Vocabulary quiz on the 4 words found at the end of the pack-it: nature, wild, focus, and nibble. Test will be like before, where I read a series of sentences and they choose the one that correctly uses the word.
There will be a reading test tomorrow. No need to study but our focus this week is on key details and sequence of events. Also, ask your child What makes a pet special?
No other homework this week but remember to read as much as you can!
Phonics: Kindly complete pages #111 and #112 for homework.
Math: Please do pages #331 and #332 for homework. Thank you! Timed Test #5 will be given on November 30th.
Spelling: Test #5 will be administered on December 7th. Packet #5 is due in on the same day.
Spelling Bee: December 7th.
Religion: The “Luminous Mysteries” poster is due in on December 20th.
Reading: finish workbook page 81 Unit 2/Week 4 TEST on Wednesday 12/5
Spelling: Unit 2/Week 4 Spelling TEST on 12/5
English: Finish workbook page 57
Social Studies: NO Homework
Math: 0, 1, 2 and 5 Quiz on Thursday Finish pages 299-300
*Tomorrow is Hamburger Day
English – WKBK p. 136
Reading – WKBK p. 81
Math – Study Vocabulary
Science – Study for Test
Reading: Reading Log Due on Monday – Newsela due on Thursday, November 29, Test on Friday – vocabulary flashcards to be finished if not completed in class
English: Wbk p.45 – Adjectives test on Tuesday, December 4 – DOL Test on Friday
Math: wbk pages 319-320 & 327-328
Spelling: Week 8 Test on Thursday – 5x each tonight – practice on Spelling City
Hamburger Day Tomorrow
Panera Fundraiser tonight at 1196 W. Boughton Rd, Bollingbrook (4-8)
Chapter 8 Worksheets are due tomorrow.
Apparitions of Mary research assignment is due on Friday, November 30th.
Finish notes from today if you did not finish in class
“Jackie Robinson Makes Headlines” Reading Check and Question Support due Thursday
Unit 7 Literature Test on Friday
Unit 7 notebook due Friday
Make sure Anne Frank study guide is up-to-date through Scene 2
Anne Frank Newsela quiz and annotations are due Friday