Statistics on Catholic schools
Location of Schools: There are 6,429 Catholic schools nationwide. Of those, 1,965 are urban, 627 are inner-city, 2,522 are suburban and 1,315 are rural. (Source: U.S. Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools 2016-2017: The Annual Statistical Report on Schools, Enrollment and Staffing (NCEA).
U.S. Graduation Rates A look at national high school graduation rates, 99.3 CatholicSchools 97.8, Other Religious95.2, Non-Sectarian82 , PublicSchools(actual high school diplomas awarded) (Source: Broughman, S.P., Swain, N.L. (2013); Stillwell, R., and Sable, J. (2015).
Number of Schools: There are 6,429 Catholic schools in the United States; 5,224 are elementary / middle schools and 1,205 are secondary schools. (Source: U.S. Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools 2016-2017: The Annual Statistical Report on Schools, Enrollment and Staffing (NCEA).
Staffing of Catholic SchoolsStudent/Teacher RatioSource: U.S. Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools 2016-2017: The Annual Statistical Report on Schools, Enrollment and Staffing (NCEA).Elementary 13:1Secondary 11:1National 12:1 (Source: U.S. Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools 2016-2017: The Annual Statistical Report on Schools, Enrollment and Staffing (NCEA).
Percentage of high school graduates who attend a four-year college, Catholic Schools 85.2, Non-Sectarian5 6.2, Other ReligiousSchools 63.3, Public Schools 44 (CitySource: Broughman, S.P. and Swaim, N.L. (2013). Synder, T.D., and Dillow, S.A. (2015).
Gift to the Nation Based on the average public school per pupil cost of $11,066, Catholic schools provide $20 billion in savings each year for the nation. (Source: U.S. Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools 2016-2017: The Annual Statistical Report on Schools, Enrollment and Staffing (NCEA).